
Being a busy mom of 3, I find it hard to come up with delicious, nutritious meals for my family. When dinner time arrives, I am usually scrambling through my cupboards to whip up a quick meal for my family. With extracurricular sports, homework and work commitments and playing 온라인 카지노 online as a side hustle, I sometimes end up grabbing fast food or take out instead of creating a nutritious meal. Not only does this lead me feeling guilty that I am not taking care of my family’s nutritional needs, but it also places a heavy strain on the pocketbooks too.  I am always looking for new ways to help me stay organized in the kitchen and create healthy meals efficiently, effectively, without spending a fortune! Recently I was introduced to the $5.00 Cookbook: 20 meals for $100.

This e-cookbook was created by Tiffany, The Bizy Mommy! She is a blogger, small business owner and mother to six wonderful children. This busy mom was looking for a way to create healthy, nutritious meals for her family on a tight budget. From this struggle, she created an e-cookbook that allowed her to provide home cooked meals every night for her family, without spending hours in the kitchen or a weeks food budget in one night!

When I first saw this cook book I thought it was impossible. But the more I read through it, the more I realized that Tiffany focused on my three main struggles in the kitchen:


First of all, I’m not the greatest cook and I worried that these meals would be way to complex for me to follow, never mind cook and serve to my family! I am one of those people who has to follow a recipe to a “t”. I don’t have the confidence or skill set to taste a sauce mid preparation and know that it needs a bit more salt or garlic. Half the time when I’m cooking, I don’t stop to taste my masterpiece until its plated and on the table. When I read through the first recipe, I was pleasantly surprised. The recipes were simple and easy to follow.  There was no fancy techniques or terms and the recipes are easily completed in less then ten simple steps.


Time is a valuable thing when it comes to family time. In this day in age, family time is usually placed on the back burners to other commitments in our lives. My husband works many nights, so its usually just the kids and I for dinner. The nights my husband is home. We work hard on making sure we have a sit down dinner as a family.  We loved the bonding time with our children and feel that it sets a good example for the importance of family.  Although we feel its important to have meals as a family, it doesn’t leave a lot of time for preparing the meals. All the recipes in the $5.00 Cookbookpromise to take less then 30 minutes from start to finish to complete. When you consider how long it takes to pick up take out or order in, you are spending the same amount of time as it would take to create a homemade meal for the $5.00 Cookbook.  Which would you prefer?


Cost is a big thing for me! When I read that I could cook 20 different meals I was skeptical! I was worried that it would require coupons (which I always forget about until they expire!), required you to watch for sales at your local grocery store or buy in bulk (which isn’t always affordable!). The great news is all of these recipes can be cooked for $5 or less, feed at least 4 people (sometimes with leftovers!) and the ingredient prices are based on regular priced store brand items!

To put these three things to the test, I tried out the $5.00 Cookbook‘s Chicken Nacho recipe!

This recipe took 15 minutes from start to finish to complete. It was delicious, focused on all four food groups and contained ingredients that are commonly found in my kitchen. We loved the twist of the chicken vs the standard beef and found this recipe very easy to prepare! I look forward to working my way through all the recipes in this cookbook and spending more time with my family around the dinner table.

Are You Ready To Start Saving Money?

For Only $4.99 The $5.00 Cookbook Includes:

20 one-dish dinners that can be made for $5.00
Large colorful pictures for each recipe
Step-by-step directions that anyone can follow
25 additional recipe suggestions and variations
A list time-saving kitchen tools
Online resources to save you even more time and money


Didn’t #WIN? Want the Cookbook now? Enter the discount code 1HEART1FAMILY to save 20%

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