How to Protect your Dog During Winter Weather #NorthFetch


This post is sponsored by North Fetch, PetSmart Canada and the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about North Fetch at PetSmart Canada, but 1heart1family only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. North Fetch and PetSmart Canada are not responsible for the content of this article.

To me the idea of “puppies” and “spring” go hand in hand. Maybe it is because spring is the time of year that most animals give birth to their offspring or maybe it because spring is the time of the year that we normally introduce a puppy in my family (who wants to potty train in the snow?!). This year due to unfortunate circumstances this summer, we lost our dog. This left us with puzzling question:  do we go dog less for 8+ months or we adopt one in the fall.  Even though I was heartbroken about the loss of my old dog and swore I wouldn’t get another one, my love having a dog around (and my husbands persistence), we welcomed Sadie into our house in the fall.

Along with all the tasks and supplies needed to train a puppy, I had to research how to take of a puppy during winter weather. A puppy needs a lot of exercise and fresh air so you can’t let the cold and snow keep you indoors. With a few key items, your puppy and you can enjoy the outdoors all year long.

Key Steps to keep in mind to Protect Your Dog this Winter

1. Feeding your dog – Dogs generate heat by using what they eat as fuel. That being said the it’s important during the winter to feed your dog regular meals. The only time you need to increase your dogs portion size is if they spend majority of the time outside.

2. Well Manicured Paws – Whether it’s ice buildup or chunks of salt, there are many things that can get stuck in the hair around your puppies paw. Keeping their hair and nails well trimmed will prevent things from getting trapped thus making your puppy more comfortable. If you find your puppies’ feet are sensitive to the cold, you can purchase puppy boots as an extra precaution.

3. Adapt to Bad Hair Days –  Sadie is a Labradoodle. Thanks to her mother’s poodle side she will need several hair cuts a year. However, when the weather turns cold, shaving your dog is no longer an option. Dog coats grow in two layers. The outer layer protects against the elements and the inner layer acts as an insulation. When you shave off the coat you disrupt these layers, leaving your dog unable to adequately cope for the cold weather. If your dogs hair does get unruly or, mats and knots occur, simply trim those areas with scissors.

4. Get your Pups Fashion on! Before owning a “Fall Puppy”, I always assumed that coats on puppies were a fashion statement rather than a functional one. Since dogs are wild animals should they be  naturally created to weather the cold? Thanks to breeding, change in habitat and other human interference, not all dogs are suited for the environments in which they live in. A coat is a great way to allow your dog to enjoy every type of weather regardless what they are breed for.

North Fetch Athletics™

North Fetch Athletics is one of my favourite brands when searching for a good dog coat. Not only are they affordable and made well, but they can easily be purchased at your local PetSmart.

What I love about the North Fetch coats is they are inspired by human winter fashion. With water-resistant material and faux-down insulation they provide the ultimate winter protection for your pet. My favourite part about this jacket is that is equipped with an adjustable Velcro strap. This allows Sadie to grow and expand, while ensuring that if her jacket got caught on a branch to would release without choking her. Finally, two must have features are the leash slit (to allow the jacket to sit right while you train your pup) and machine washable (for the inevitable messes!).

Winter may not be here yet! but not doubt its on its way! Don’t wait until there is three feet of snow outside your door, prepare your pup for winter today! Visit your local PetSmart to check out the entire North Fetch line!

To learn more about the North Fetch brand visit their website  or follow them on Facebook.

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