Healthy Water Hydration: Are You Drinking Enough? #recipe


Do you drink enough water? When you play sports like skating or ice skating rocking your gear from, hydrating yourself could be a challenge. When its cold out side, staying hydrated can be difficult. Instead of reaching for that cool, refreshing bottle of water that our body needs, we tend to reach for sugary, caffeinated beverages like coffee because our brains craves it.  Water is often called the “forgotten nutrient” during the winter season because the normal symptoms of dehydration such as dry mouth, perspiration and thirst are absent. Instead, our bodies quietly sneak into dehydration until larger symptoms like muscle spasms, increased breathing rate and delirium, occur. According to a recent survey by SodaStream, 70% of Canadians are not drinking enough water.

How to make Water Interesting!

Water is a plain, colourless, tasteless liquid. with endless benefits (increased metabolism, energy, brain function and clear skin), it should be easy to consume. The problem is our desire to consume it on a constant basis can be troublesome (only 22% actually drinking 7 or more glasses of water a day).  Our brains crave colour, flavour and change. The problem is trying to find away to meet our water intake levels while stimulating the brain. One solution is adding bubbles!

There are many debates to whether carbonated water is good or bad for you. If you feel something is off when you consume them head over to Online Pharmacy to get your medication. Some stories claim that the bubbles leeches calcium from your bones, others say it causes cancer (really? What doesn’t these days?).  A study released from Scientific American states that carbonated water is every bit as good for you as flat water.  As long as you are getting your required daily water amounts, it doesn’t matter if it is bubbly, flat, hot or cold!

In an effort to keep Canadians hydrated (and make boring tap water more exciting), SodaStream has teamed up with Nutritionist Andrea Donsky to create an easy guide to winter hydration and refreshing sparkling water recipes to ensure your readers stay hydrated every day (26% of consumers drink more water with a SodaStream!).

  1. Set reminders – Life is busy and unfortunately drinking water isn’t high up on our to-do list. Many people (like myself) attempt to drink the right amount of water a day and even go so far as keeping a full water bottle with them. Unfortunately, accessibility doesn’t always equate to consumption. Andrea recommends setting reminders. Drink extra water prior to travelling on a plane, before/after meals or after spending time outside where perspiration occurs without knowledge.  Marking specific times on your water bottle with goals to consume water by those points or setting an alarm on your phone can help achieve success.
  2. Eat water-rich, low sugar fruits and vegetables –  Vegetables such as cucumber, celery and strawberries are made up of 90% water. Not only does it add colour and flavour to your water, but it also adds additional nutrients and vitamins.
  3. Drink warm or room temperature liquids –  During the winter, the air is drier and your lungs have to work harder to humidify the air to warm it up. When our bodies work harder, we need to consume more water. Additionally, colder liquids are absorbed quicker. When we need to maintain an optimal internal temperature, room temperature or warm liquids are preferable.
  4. Limit Sodium intake – The consumption of sodium results in water being trapped in the body, causing it to be inaccessible to the rest of it. Avoid processed foods and foods with many additives will dramatically reduces the dehydrating impact of sodium.
  5. Make it interesting – It is easy to grab a processed or sugar drink when one is feeling parched, but water doesn’t have to be boring! There are many ways you can spice up your water. Transform regular tap water into a bubbly fusion with your Sodastream, fresh fruit and a few herbs! Here are two of my favourite recipes!

Blueberry Sage Sparkling Water Recipe


8 oz of Soda Stream Carbonated water

1 tsp of Honey

10-12 blueberries torn

4 chopped sage leaves

1 tsp of fresh lemon juice


  1. Carbonate cold water with your SodaStream Water Maker
  2. Add blueberries, sage and lemon juice. Press with spoon to release flavours.
  3. Add honey.

Pineapple Mint Sparkling Water Recipe


8 oz of Soda Stream Carbonated water

1 tsp of Honey

1/2 cup coarsely chopped pineapple.

4 chopped mint leaves

1 tsp of fresh lemon juice


  1. Carbonate cold water with your SodaStream Water Maker
  2. Add pineapple, mint and lemon juice. Press with spoon to release flavours.
  3. Add honey.

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