Food Friday~Silver Hill Bakery #Review and GF Berry French Toast Casserole


You’ve been diagnosed with Celiac Disease and the only course of treatment is a

 gluten free diet. 

Twenty years ago, when my mom first discovered that she had sensitivity to gluten, she didn’t have many options. Instead of enjoying gluten free pasta, crepes, and cookies, she was forced to avoid them and basically did without any type of bread like substance. In today’s culinary culture, gluten free products are more readily available. Pizza, cakes and breads that once caused painful stomach ache, can once again be enjoyed with gluten substitution  (i.e. usually rice or corn).  Although a gluten free diet is a lot easier to follow, finding products that have the taste and texture of their gluten counter parts can be a difficult task and cost two or three times more than typical grocery store foods! Through a lot of trial and error I have come across many delicious gluten free products!

One of the foods that I missed then most when I first went gluten free was BREAD! I love the hot, fresh rolls served at fancy restaurants, the convenience of grabbing toast in the morning before work and our family’s special berry french toast casseroles on the holidays. Instead of being light, fluffy and melt in your mouth delicious, most gluten free breads are dense, heavy and bland tasting.  Experimenting with gluten free bread can be a very expensive as a loaf of gluten free bread can run you $5 or more.  In the quest for a delicious gluten free bread, I’ve tried them all! One of my favorites is made by Silver Hill Bakery.Silver Hill Bakery believes that those living with Celiac disease or choosing to live a gluten free lifestyle, shouldn’t have to miss out on healthy, great tasting gluten-free bread. I love how their breads are high in fiber (5g per slice!), chalked full of extra nutrients, only contains organic ingredients, vegan (no eggs or diary) and contains no artificial preservatives or any ingredient you can’t pronounce.  If you are worried that this bread it too healthy to taste good think again! Silver Hill Bakery bread maintains high nutritional profile and still manages to taste delicious too! Silver Hill Bakery makes bread they way it should be –  simple, organic and delicious. Who says gluten free means you can’t have your (gluten free) bread and enjoy it too! These recipes are perfect for game nights, when we cheer and support our favorite teams by betting via

 I received two different samples of Silver Hill Bakery Gluten Free bread to try:

Gluten Free Omega Flax

I love that it 5 grams of fiber per slice, 3 grams of protein, Omega 3 & 6, and is organic and Gluten FREE! It has the hearty, wholegrain flavour that is bakery fresh and melts in your mouth instead of being thick, crumbly and heavy like other gluten free breads.  I pop it from freezer to the toaster and I am able to grab a quick breakfast before work! It tastes great with Natural peanut butter!

Gluten Free Chia Chia 

This bread contains unique blend of whole grain Sorghum and Chia seeds. High in fiber and protein and low in sodium it is the ideal bread to give you energy you need to start the day! Slightly dense to the touch, it had a rich, nutty taste that I thoroughly enjoyed!

With my shipment of Silver Hill Bakery bread arriving the day before Easter, I decided to indulge  my family in our favourite holiday treat: Berry French Toast Casserole. My favourite thing about this casserole is that you make it the night before. That way when you wake up in the morning, all you have to do is pop it into the oven for a 45 minutes and you have delicious, mouth watering meal! With the main ingredient of the dish containing bread, I haven’t attempted it since going gluten free. Silver Hill Bakeryinspired me to make my favourite breakfast dish this Easter.  The results were so fantastic, I knew I had to share this with all my readers!

To learn more about Silver Hill Bakery or to order your own bread, visit them on the website,
Facebook or follow them on Twitter.

Berry French Toast Casserole


250 g Cream Cheese
1 loaf of bread (I used Gluten Free Chia Chia)
8 eggs
3 Tbsp of melted butter
4 cups of frozen berries
1/2 cup of Sugar 
1 Tbsp cornstarch
1 1/2 cup of Cream (half and half works well)
1 tsp of Vanilla


1.  Grease a 8×9 pan

2.  Cube bread and arrange in pan

3.  Mix berries and cornstarch then sprinkle evenly over bread

4.  Dot with cream cheese and cover with remaining bread

5.  Whisk eggs, cream, melted butter, sugar and vanilla.  Pour evenly over bread and berry mixture.

6.  Let sit over night to allow the egg to soak into the bread.

7. Preheat oven for 375 F

8. Cook for 45 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes, then serve.

“An increase in gluten-free cuisine that has fabulous flavour is going to be a big trend in 2013.”Calgary Herald

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.  

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